Wednesday 5 August 2009

Day 8: Gardening with The Great Generation in Jinja, Uganda

This is Karen writing today’s blog. Today was a weird day for us. Most Ugandans are very religious and Sunday is their day of rest, so we got Sunday off. We were invited to go to church with John and we all thought it would be like a gospel church, constant singing and dancing and all in English. We couldn’t have been more wrong, it was a traditional Roman Catholic service. To be fair there was a lot more singing though and even dancing, but because the Bishop was there the mass was going to be two hours long, outside in the hot African sun (it was also like the hottest day so far). We held strong for about an hour but after that the Bishop began his sermon which wouldn’t have been so bad if it was in English but interestingly he kept going between Ugandan and English. Soon enough Sufian was nearly snoring and the rest of us were struggling to keep our eyes open, eventually Sally had to pull John aside and in her usual diplomatic tone tell him that we were all suffering. So two by two we all snuck out, we felt awful but it wasn’t even nearly over and there is no way we could have survived it.

After church we walked back to the guesthouse and hung out for hours after lunch playing cards and stuff, to be honest it felt a bit like an uneventful afternoon but then again it was nice to do nothing for once. Dinner was nice too, more roast potatoes= yum!

So right now we are all sitting around the table on the lawn in front of the guesthouse and conversation has turned to horror films. Turns out Vicky, not so keen on the shining-REDRUM (LOL).

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